MARK YOUR DATE December 4, 2016
十ㄧ/十二月 慶生及謝師午宴
Nov/Dec Birthday & Instructor’s Appreciation Luncheon
November 5, 2106 Baybridge Hiking
11/08/2016 Lecture 講座 10:50-12:15
Topic: Common Sense Organic
Speaker: K. C. Lin 林康記
Education: Fu Jen University, Chemistry, BS 1972
University of Southern California, Chemistry Ph.D. 1978
Experience: 37 years in agricultural chemical business in R&D, Regulatory,
Marketing/Sales with Stauffer, Chevron, ICI and Sinon 興農
Synopsis: The debate of organic vs. conventional is like religion. Either you believe it or you don’t. However, a majority of consumers probably don’t really understand what organic how it’s defined and certified, and what the standards are.
There are three Federal Government Agencies: FDA, USDA and EPA that are all involved in setting up organic policy, standard and enforcement. Sometimes, it’s quite confusing on what each of their responsibilities are. The individual states also have their own standard. Then the whole organic certification process is another topic that most of consumers don’t understand. This presentation is to address many interesting issues like nutrition, safety, value and provide you with information that you want to know so that you can make your own judgement about what will make you feel comfortable in spending money on food.
10/05/2016 OPEN HOUSE
September 7, 2016 Special Day
September/October Birthday and Moon Festival Party
9/10月慶生會慶祝中秋節: 2016-9-7 星期三特別節目- 海報
September 6, 2016 楊韻泉 YC Yang – “15年中國大陸的義務支教經歷”
”My 15 Years’ Volunteer work experience in China“
自上世紀80年代起,楊韻泉每年都會抽出幾個月時間回國義務支教,至今已有15年。 這位美國退休的社會服務者及教育者、美國媽媽聯誼會教育顧問,留給所到之處的師生評價是:學識豐富、老頑童、有活力、敬業、無私奉獻。
September 2, 2016 Hiking Club Monthly Meet 康鶴健行會
Redwood Regional Park: Hiking-Sept-2-2016
August 30, 2016 Tuesday . 星期二 11:00-12:30
Chris Ng’s “Cooking” 學做菜
(Sign up required; $8.00 Material fees)
Aug 29., 2016 Monday. 星期ㄧ 10:30-3:30
Friendly Mah-Jong Game 麻將友誼會 (Small Room)
Sign up required at GCSC front desk.
卡拉 OK 紅白大賽
2016年8月3日(星期三) 10:00AM – 4:30PM
2016-7-6 星期三 7/8月 慶生會特別課程及節目
1. 09:00am – 10:00am 易筋拍打
2. 10:00am – 10:50am 長者聯誼時間
3. 11:00am – 02:00pm 七/八月雙月慶生會
(Potluck 請帶菜來)
*** 特別請到台灣前主播李娜亞女士為我們講座[主播凸槌記]

午餐免費 (請于下星期二前到中心登記)
Free lunch. Register at center by 05/31/2016

慶祝母親節/父親節 暨五、六月慶生聯歡會
05/02/16, Monday 10:40 AM – 4:30 PM
February 8, 2016 Chinese New Year Celebration

聯歡會 Video Hi-Lite
聯歡會 Photo [Not a valid template]
2015 Chinese New Year Celebration
2/16/2016 羊年祝福
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