12/15 GCSC Anniversary Party Special Speaker
12月15日的周年慶就快到了. 好消息! 我們已經邀請到暢銷書幽默作家吳玲瑤女士為特約演講人. 她的講題是: 笑裡藏道-幽默是必要. 開講時間是下午一點左右. 歡迎來聽講.

Click below for Video

July 17th Hiking Notice 07/17/2015
Bear Creek Road, Overlook Staging Area, Briones Reservoir
Driving direction:
Take 680N or 680S to 24W ( depending where you are coming )
Exit at Orinda/Richmond, use the lane for Orinda Village.
Go right on Camino Pablo Rd for about 2.2 miles
. Turn right on Bear Creek Rd. about 1.5 miles, you will see the Overlook Staging Area on your left side. Careful not to miss the parking lot.
Hiking details:
Bear Creek trail is a beautiful trail and mostly shady, it runs along Briones Reservoir. It’s one way out and back, can be 6 miles or 3 miles with gentle ups and downs, good for both A and B group.
There are two benches at 1.5 miles out, people can rest on the benches, wait for others or walk back to the car.
Please bring snacks for an early lunch and something to sit on the grass. Like a plastic bag…..
> Recommend to wear long pants, due to poison oaks, bring hiking poles, wear hiking shoes, water bottle.
Hiking leaders:
Peter Leng 冷磐石925-337-1354
Julia Leng 冷孟岫屏925-667-5590
Detail: June 2015 GCSC picnic
六月, 七月 慶生 June July Birthday Celebration
6/1/2015 11:05 -1:25
“Potluck” ($7.00 for person w/o bring foods)