2018-10-3 Town Hall Meeting & Open House – Flyer-1.docx
September 5, 2018 全球民歌大展演唱會預告
The World Folk Song Concert will start at 1:30, featuring the GCSC’s Chorus joined by Dance Workshop & GG&B Singers to perform a couple dozens of folk songs from around the world. GCSC members are encouraged to participate in this fun event with your family members and friends.GCSC will celebrate birthdays (Sep & Oct) & the Moon Festival (9/24/18) on Wednesday Sep. 5. Potluck lunch will start at 12:10. The lunch is free for BD girls & boys. Other participants please bring your food for share or pay $8 (member or non-member) for the lunch. All who plan to attend shall sign up (also pay $8 if applicable) at the front desk no later than 9/4/2018.
August 1, 2018 卡拉OK大會串

July 31, 2018 週二講座 Lecture

July/August Birthday Celebration followed by mini drama and talent show
Marin Headlands 金山灣秘境之旅
2018-7-15 Marin Headlands 金山灣秘境之旅 – 海報12018-7-15 Marin Headlands 金山灣秘境之旅健行計劃
May 6, 2018 慶祝端午節及電影欣賞 GCSC-2018-6-6 慶祝端午節及電影欣賞
May 13, 2018 夏日健行及烤肉活動
GCSC-2018-6-13 健行及野餐一日遊

————————————————————————————————- May 1, 2018 Camera Club WORKSHOP How to Take Photo and Video with Iphone GCSC-2018-May-Iphone-Presentation ============================================== May 2, 2018 Mothers Day and Fathers Day Celebration GCSC-2018-May-Mom-Father-Celabration (Registration of free lunch closed) ============================================== May 17, 2018 Museum of the San Ramon Valley-Chinese & The Iron Road special exhibit
The exhibition showcased the building of the Transcontinental Railroad which connected California to the East Coast and the 12,000 Chinese workers who built the railroad. The exhibition shows the incredibly difficult work accomplished by Chinese laborers who laid tracks across the Sierra mountains and Western desert. These workers blasted and hammered tunnels on steep hillsides, and in some cases, on granite. Tour date: May 17, 2018 (Thursday)
Time: 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM (Tour)
Place: 205 Railroad Avenue, Danville, California
Admission: Free to GCSC members
Please sign up at Front Desk by May 14, 2018 —————————————————————————-
康鶴耆英中心2018年度活動計劃詳細表 Click on the links

April 4, 2018

—————————————————————————————————– March 7, 2018

*************************************************************** 2017-6-14 Osage Station Park 健行及野餐活動 – 海報
